It has snowed. Snow. Real powder. It's cold out, under freezing, windy, serious. Winter. At the beginning of this month we hit 76°F. WTF.
Anyways, I made Sauerbraten recently, taking pictures to explain to y'all how it's done. I was incomplete, but I will explain:
1. Sear your well seasoned brisket (but you should decide to make this a couple days before, so it can marinate....)
2. Brown your carrots and onions in the same pan you did the meat in, turned down a little.
3. Bring some beef stock up to a boil, on the side. Bubbly!
4. Drink some "glacier fresh" beer.
5. Open 4
Copa di Vino (my friend Meg works for them- I got 4 cases!) and deglaze your pan.
6. Add some bay, coriander, thyme, caraway seed, black pepper and garlic.
This is where I stopped taking pics. Put this veg mix from above into a braising vessel with the seared meat, and the boiling stock. Cover well, and cook in a 325° F oven for 4 hours. Pull the meat out, and take the rest of the liquid and thicken it with gingersnap cookies. Add some salt and pepper to taste. Then, eat with a warm potato/kraut/sour cream and some kohlrabi, sunchoke and mizuna salad. Enjoy more glacier fresh beer....
And now for snowy pictures....
The Dart sucks in snow, traction....
Still some fall colors.