
Forward and Up.

It has been a really, really long time since I published anything here. I can't say it isn't for a lack of doing interesting things, I guess what I had to say I either said to people in conventional ways, or via facebook, which does all the things this blog does almost more easily....

Anyways, I wanted to post for 2 reasons:

Firstly, I finished my "summer vacation" off with the most physically demanding hike I've ever done: Carne Mountain. It was a crazy ascent, with non stop switchbacks, but ultimately led to a majestic view, and a good story. Photos here.

Secondly, I have finished my business plan, as a document. It took me far too long, but for reasons not too clear to even myself, I was difficult to self motivate. I might've been depressed actually, and just lost focus for a good month and a half. I thought a lot on my hike regarding what I want to do, and where I want to go, so with that clarity I move forward with renewed vigor. I have a meeting with someone to discuss things tomorrow, and will be looking to secure monies next month.

Moving forward in a direction that takes me to where I need to go, and then from there, hopefully one day to you.