
Pourable Tofu Madness!

My day off was busy. Productive, even.

I woke up to go to the eastside to go to the doctors and vote. I liked the fact that I was still regestered there (I did change it today) so I could vote for my cousin, Keri Andrews. I will look in one hour's time to see the results for her running, and all the other things I voted for, most notably, Prop. 1, which is for a regional transportation package that funds a combination of rails and roads. I think the plan has too little for rail and too much for roads. I also don't like the linking of the 2 different ways to move people into one plan. I'm hoping that by passing this one up, we'll be offered a plan that looks at a life without cars as being a realistic option in Seattle. I voted no, obviously.

I then had to run some errands up on the north end, and swung by a great-possibly the best reviewed- Korean restaurant called Hosoonyi. They specialize in draft tofu soup- the tofu is pourable, and it's served in super heated stone crocks that contain boiling soup at it's arrival at your table. I ate by myself, but my table was completely covered in small bowls containing the assorted kim-chees and sides. It was epic.

I then worked on my secret project- first phase- for a an hour and a half, and then dinked around, and then ran around green lake.
It was stuff all day.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Your secret project is making hard cider. Not so secret anymore is it?