
I'm back.

So I was criticized last weekend for going a week without posting on my blog.  It's because perhaps these days, it seems I'm rarely at my computer, and if I am, I'm doing other things, like watching episodes of Lost or SGA....

Anyways, I got my new iPod today.  It's so much smaller than my last one, but I suppose there needs to be some advancement.  One thing to add:  It's really nice to be in Amazon's neighborhood, since my free 5 day shipping was delivered overnight, once it left the warehouse.
I needed to get one (which is 8 gigs) since my old one (4 gigs) freaked out and froze once it was filled with 700 mb.  So long Wani-san Jr!  All hail Wani-san Jr.  the 2nd!

I am now officially the Sous Chef of the Seattle Harbor Club.  I work in the city now, whic is immensely better in terms of commute via the bus.  I have myriad busses to choose from, as opposed  to 1 an hour (to home at night).  I am finally on salary, and making more the the US average per year for the 1st time in my life.  Yeah me.

I'm going to go run now.  I promise I have more to say this week, and I really hope to get the pics up this week of my party as well.  Have fun y'all.

Oh! I got a Jew's Harp!


Morgan Davie said...

Congrats on the new position dude!

d3vo said...

From what I understand of your work environment I'm sure that your new promotion is well deserved, congrats!

2treesandahorse said...

well done bruv.