

Resume the madness.

In fact, I've taken to playing seemingly random clips on youtube of the Macho Man to get people excited at work (ok, really only me.)

Madness. Oh yeah.

I thought last week was crazy; after looking at this one with a more detailed eye, it seems worse. I guess I don't care too much, which is the mental place to be.

Just had an experiment with my housemates: The difference between people's interpretations of descriptions. (A discussion about criminal sketch artists was the basis.) So I conducted an experiment: Have one describe a criminal, and then the other one and I would draw the description of the criminal.

They were wildly varied. Mine looked like me in 20 years after I become a drifter, but with close-cropped curly hair. The other looked like the Viola Swamp from Miss Nelson is missing. But with a penis.

It turned out Alison was describing Daniel Day Lewis. Go figure.