
Ice Cream Doings

It's been very low excitement round these parts.
We did make more ice cream than we ever have made this week, with the new machine. It was in one 8.5 hour shift of insanity!
And we got a used van, and I drove it around a bit.
It's sad to say that a '91 Dodge Van with a 6 cylinder engine is fast. But it is compared to my car (which has the pre-curser of the van's engine in it....)
Who can come up with a good custom plate?


d3vo said...

Number plates sounds like a fun game, how many letters?


2treesandahorse said...

I scream. Or is that to many letters.

Wanisan said...

7 spaces for you Kiwis

Anonymous said...

since you're an alligator, how 'bout calling it the "dragon wagon?"

Anonymous said...


cause IceShrpa don't fit

d3vo said...

epicrn1, epicrn2 etc.

epicrn e

epcr emp

Morgan Davie said...

epicure fits...

but I like vanpire