
Girls Divide By 2.

Do yourself and be prepared for a few things after going to Kenji Ulmer's party entitled: Risky Wager-Whiskey Rager.

Well, first, let me explain the name. When one showed up, they had to roll a die (6 sided for those taking notes. Not 20!) and whatever it landed on, you had to take that many shots of Rich & Rare Canadian Whiskey. Do not be fooled: R&R does NOT have either of the advertised attributes!
Girls divided by 2.

So the things you need to be prepared for:
-Being hungover. I was thinking, I drink whiskey like an old chap! Guess what? I drink it more like a young, reckless chap.
-Have coffee. I have none. None! Or milk. I have to go to the store when all I want to do is cocoon myself in my sleeping bag and watch tv.
-Have a big bowl of soup handy too while you're at it. Maybe I'll get some soup too at the store.

I've gotten guest listed to the Blue Scholars tonight, one of the top 2 Seattle hip hop acts (the other being Common Market). I'll report how that goes down.


Morgan Davie said...

Up to 6 shots of dirty whiskey? *shudder*

Lookin' forward to seeing you and doing some genteel drinking like an old chap, as well as some reckless drinking like a young chap...

d3vo said...

Six shots of whisky when you walk in the door is nasty!

That said I forced my Chartreuse on people at my party earlier in the year.