
Elvis Tried.

I returned from my trip to the neighbors to the north with little incident.

I could've died though. Elvis almost did me in.

I was taken to this bbq joint by Beth, and her, me, and her housemates ordered the Elvis platter, a ginormous platter of smoked meats and accoutrements.

Other than that napkin-destroying experience, Vancouver was chill, with a stop to climb Oyster Dome in the Chuckanuts, and man, what a gorgeous day it was! The view was to the Olympics, with the San Juans in full splendor before me, as I sat on the edge of a cliff. See?

Started the new job/returned to the old job today. A long day of getting it done, and I am unused to waking at 7, so I will be going to bed here now. I am wiped!

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