
Happy New Year

If the start of my year is any indication of the upcoming year, then it will be sad and boring, and filled with cold.
The evening started pleasant, with a small gathering at a house party. Good conversations and me not knowing the NZ-centric questions of the NZ trivial pursuit.
Time escaped me, and I found myself in the same spot for midnight, when Ihad honestly hoped I would be at some crazy, single-women filled shindig. Alas.
When we left after midnight into the city, we stopped 1st at a party that had either never exhisted, or ended at about 10:15, or was being attended by ninjas. There was no sign of life.
Then we went to a party at a derelect crack-house with people who were on a drug-fueled level I've never even closely attained. And the cold and rain sucked too.
Home at 2am.
Oh well. I guess it's ANOTHER omen to show why I'm not supposed to be in NZ.

Dude, Aotearoa: I get it! Leave it alone all ready.

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