
Raging Hulk of a Man.

I will start with the inane: I just finished watching the movie, "I Love You, Man." Bromance. I loved it- Paul Rudd was great, per usual. His awkwardness reminds me of a young me, especially the scene where he's setting up the 1st man-date over the phone...but the line delivered in the tux shop about James Bond was the finest one of the film. I'd recommend it to dudes who need to score some points with the ladies, but really don't want to have to watching something f'ing terrible starring Kate "I cannot act my way out of a wet paper bag" Hudson. Seriously, she needs to never be given a role again.....

My rage has subsided, like the Hulk.

Other goings on, some disappointing work going ons today. Bottom line: I am a free agent, and I need to find a job that will pay me the schmulians. But I knew that already, so it's nothing new, it's just staring me in the eyes. I'll be ok, I'll find something out there in the city.

I also had big plans to wash and fix my car, which will happen tomorrow, unless the rain comes and washes away my dreams to Wednesday. I got some spark plugs that boasted "NASCAR performance" and I told the parts store guys I was scared what that was going to do to my dart. I think it'd blow up or something....anyways, I'm rambling now, as I do. I should sleep, as I failed to do that last night.

1 comment:

Morgan Davie said...

Paul Rudd is a king.