

I think that I have in my head I'm making matzoh ball soup tonight. When I get an idea like that, I can't shake it off....
So what makes my soup so much better? Easy. Skillz.
Ok, really, time and patience and commitment to excellence. Overview:

Roast a whole, well seasoned chicken. Cool it a bit once it's done. Pull off all the meat, and leave it on the side. Make a stock with the carcass and some store-bought broth. Simmer that for a bit, like 4-6 hours if you can. Really. Then, strain that, and chop up your carrots, onions and parsnips (no celery I feel, but they can go in the stock), and sweat those, then add the broth. Boil your kneydl which you made with the fat that you get from the broth, separately, and then serve with the soup. Make sure you top with chopped parsley and dill (both fresh) and black pepper.

It's a serious matter for a serious man.

1 comment:

RevertTreverRevertTrever said...

Dig the recipes dude, you should do this more often. Got your letter, straight straight cheddar! Nice surprise to get a letter, but where's my sweater? Got stuck in a rhyme there, kinda like time there...Dang!
What are we going to do with a picture of Kenji? Does he know you're sending him out? I don't think the Tot-Dog Modeling Agency's gonna like this.