

I made a great list yesterday, and through the power of list crossing off that I'm oh-so-great at, I got the thing more than half done, and today it will be finished.  The list was for the week.
The best part of the list getting done:
Getting my fingerprints FINALLY taken by the police.  They're a required part of my submission to the FBI in Virginia for my police record.  I truly hope that a serial killer doesn't have my prints...
But that whole fingerprinting ordeal started on Christmas Eve, and ended yesterday...man!
I also ordered new running shoes from the US, and with shipping, they are still less than HALF of the price here.  Goods cost so much sometimes.
And today, lots of mailing, getting a suit for the wedding, to the department of conservation for the permits for the Whanganui river trip....and more!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dude, are you getting a crazy suit for the wedding like we talked about? I can't remember what we discussed with that.