

What a whirl-wind of excitement around these parts.

Went to Vancouver to pick up Beth/see the Davie Parental Unit/get slightly detained at the Canadian border. Everyone is grand, Beth will settle into her new life once she stops telling me "whatever," and learns that it's "to-go" now, not "take-away," etc, etc.....

I got a job today. Interview to offer: 3 hours. Had a cool practical interview. Food identification, omelet making, fundamental sauce making. Buffet salads, and apps as well. Crew good, hours normal-ish (some 9-5 days for sure), pay better than last position, benefits, opportunity to take things in the direction I desire (priceless).

I could write more, but I once learned the adage, "leave 'em wanting more!"

So, there's secrets to save for me.


Unknown said...

Is it really that difficult for Candians to work out what 'takeaway' means?????!!

Wanisan said...

whatever Beth. whatever.