

I've got to go to the bank and get me some walkin' around money.
But before that, I've got a long, fantastic bike ride in store here. Today is one of those days where the sun is fighting the clouds- and barely winning....

So a couple of things: Heard this on KEXP yesterday while working (or slaving away...). I loved it. The whole idea makes me wonder why I didn't continue trombone playing.

Also, returning to the library Hemingway's Islands in the Stream. If you haven't read it, you're crazy or lost. What can I say about the author that hasn't been said? Nothing. So I show you an example of prose that I appreciate:

"Her plans were always made in secret, like those of a good general, and they were as rigidly enforced. A compromise might be effected. But never a basic change in a plan whether that plan was conceived in a sleepless night or on an angry morning or on a gin-aided evening."

When I read him, I'm fully astounded at the melancholic world of bourgeoisie coming-to-terms with the trappings of failed relationships past.....alright. Literary review over.

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