
I am a now a restaurant critic

2 birds, no 3 birds with one stone!

First bird: Review a restaurant/bar -to be fair though, I'll get little credit, if any at all. BUT MY FOOD OPINION MATTERED. And that's what counts. Will post a link to the review, of course, if it ever gets printed, and I suspect it will.

Second bird: Get some insight for what works and doesn't work in an establishment from somebody who knows what they're talking about. More on last bird.

Third Bird (the best one): The local food writer for The Stranger, the superior of the 2 weekly papers in Seattle is quite an alluring writer to read. Or at least those into food pornography. I once declared aloud, "I think I have a crush on her writing style." I never wrote her to tell her so before I left. So, with my NZ-formed powers of being direct in what I want, I wrote her describing that I love her style, would like to drink-in on a review, discuss my project and get her insight. She acquiesced to a meet-up, and we went to a very odd locale. It was a (my description) "Scando-Chic bar with unsubtle illicit overtones." There were vintage Swedish sex toys over the bar. I kid ye not. And lots of naked women. And it was a CLASSY place. Great drinks, and THE BEST PICKLED HERRING I've ever had. They do it right.

We'll see what she says in the article, now won't we?

And, just cause I feel I'm ultra-cool by being in this paper for the second time in less than a year, I'm posting this

The image that was printed included me playing nails.

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