
Her foot got stuck in a TV.

So the last week went by without blogging? How'd that happen? Well, it's been a mix of exciting social events, the work thing, and interesting personal life developments....I don;t think I can recall the majority of the things that have gone on past, say Friday.
CP left town for the bay area and left me in charge of his dog and all personal major posessions. I used them well. You know chicks really like whippets?
It was also TD's birthday, which was a banger at Porta with the dance-off, loud music, happy rendevous between folks, and regretably weak drinks/long lines. (if there's 2 things I hate about packed bars it's those 2 things!) After hours unveiled TD's newest and by far best gift he received this birthday- a new TV which replaced his old one which had finally crapped out on him. It had started limping along about 2 months ago, and needed to be quickly switched on and off to "warm er up." And that got to take so long, that Tom would just go straight to bed when he came home, as opposed to fall asleep in his chair under grandma's afghan. So, yeah we got a good used one on Craigslist, and broke the old one. And then Angie jumped off a chair, and got her leg stuck in the TV. Yes. It got stuck, and ate her flip flop. And she left blood on the floor like a wounded deer.

I think it's finally safe to say there's no chance in hell that those boys are getting their security deposit back.

And Saturday was the solstice parade- you know, the major city event where dozens of people ride their bikes around naked? It was the 1st time I'd seen it, and in addition to the aforementioned fun, the bands, floats and just crazy people were a great time. Drinking outside and people watching. It was nice. I'm gonna have to be in it next year, but clothes on, and just going crazy.

Today my dad came up with my brother Isak, and we shot pool (my dad is apparently a shark- I never knew), ate burgers and watched Tiger play at Leny's Place. And then threw the frisbee....A relaxing day.

Ok!!! Enough, I must run!

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