
The Royal Sampler that is my Thursday

I've found a place to live. It's in Aro Valley, which is in Wellington proper, perhaps 20 minutes walk to the center of the business area. And it's about 25 minutes walk to work, which is nice, but it's all uphill to work, and there's nothing better than being sweaty and worn out when you get to work. Ask Dustin.
I'm moving in with a guy born in Hawaii but has lived in NZ since he was 11. A Kiwi by nationality; an American by accent. The place is perhaps more than I'd hoped to originally get into, but when I saw the places that were going for a good price in the area I wanted to live, they turned out to be student slums. If you can imagine a WORSE place than where I lived in Seattle (Shelby Slums), yes, much worse is what I found. But cheap.
So it will be bittersweet moving from 71 Pohutakawa St in the Hutt. It's treated me well. When I move in, and get the proper address, I'll let y'all know.
Also, I found a car to day I want to buy at Leon's work. He works for a massive car auction operation. It's a Suburu. Exciting, we'll see about that on Monday as well...

Work has been going fine. I've been wrestling with the fact that the place is run poorly, but I've realized/been told flat out by the chef that the idiot owners more or less don't care, except about getting money from people. Yes that's important, but making the system faultless so that the customers are happy/people want to work there because it's not stressful is also important. The chef basically told me to give up, because he's already tried, and as long as our food is good, it's all we can be in charge of.

I'm having a hard time with the not caring aspect, but if that's what it takes to keep from stressin' out, then that's what I have to do. I still get paid, and I 've learned another valuable lesson: How I won't my future place!

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