

A busy work weekend is over. We have hit our stride in terms of being able to handle the cookery of a full restaurant. Which is phenomenal. Friday night there was a long wait for tables and it was handled, and last night we complained that we wanted more.

Other than that, it looks like my work schedule will be changing slightly to having days off being tuesday and wednesday (as opposed to M, T). At first is seems a trivial change, and then I thought about it, and realized I liked having Mondays off. Then I thought about it some more, and realized that there's nothing open late to do on Sundays anyways. I should just go home and run anyways. Which hasn't been happening as often as I'd like these days. I kinda messed up my back in NYC carrying my heavy messenger bag about all day one day, and it knocked my spine out of good alignment.

Conclussionally, I am rolling in the dart at the moment to the workings of the Gap Band.

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