
Self Explanatory

For all those wondering if the Swedish girls were really real, I'm not a liar- here's the proof:

And there's plenty more girls besides that coming to Thanksgiving. 6 more actually.
That's a lot of fucking Turkey.


Anonymous said...

In the second pic you smile like this is the best goddamn dream you've ever had.

Anonymous said...

I believed you from the begining but I believe you even more now!! The girls look nice and so do you.
Put up more pics!!!

2treesandahorse said...

Love those swedes. love em.
Did they play the party game where you divide into two teams and the teams have to make the longest line from the clothes they are wearing wins. Nice game. A young swedish girl mentioned it once. Im with you morgue, but is there not some saying about aligator's and smiles.....

Anonymous said...

DUDE!! Aaron, women are not objects-Of course there is beautiful women in NZ, they are everywhere!